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Shawnees, a tribe of American Indians situated originally within the eastern slopes of the Alleghanies, but now eliminated to Missouri, Kansas, and the Indian Territory. NE. of Madagascar; taken from the French by Britain in 1798, and now below the governor of Mauritius; are mountainous and largely surrounded by coral reefs; export fibres, nuts, palm-oil, &c.; Victoria, in Mahé, is the chief city, and an imperial coaling station. Seward, William Henry, American statesman, born at Florida, New York State; was called to the bar at Utica in 1822, and soon took rank as one in every of the best forensic orators of his nation; engaged actively in the politics of his State, of which he was governor in 1838 and 1840; entered the U.S. Shakespeare, William, great world-poet and dramatist, born in Stratford-on-Avon, in Warwickshire; his father, John Shakespeare, a respected burgess; his mother, Mary Arden, the daughter of a well-to-do farmer, by way of whom the family acquired some property; was at college at Stratford, married Anne Hathaway, a yeoman’s daughter, at 18, she eight years older, and had by her three daughters; left for London someplace between 1585 and 1587, in consequence, it is said, of some deer-stealing frolic; took charge of horses at the theatre door, and by-and-by turned an actor.

His first work, “Venus and Adonis,” appeared in 1593, and “Lucrece” the year after; grew to become related with totally different theatres, and a shareholder in sure of them, in some of which he took half as actor, with the result, in a pecuniary standpoint, that he purchased a home in his native place, extended it afterwards, the place he chiefly resided for the ten years previous his death. The reason the material matters is because soy wax has a low temperature level, making it the least scorching at melting level and, in turn, the safest. The woman could be seen in footage sitting at the head of a desk in the Puerto Chale Restaurant in Guadalajara, Mexico , before making her sneaky move. Hitch and writer Mark Millar would go on to develop this approach even further in Marvel’s Ultimates, and the widescreen comic-e-book fashion turned the comedian-e book inspiration for the Marvel Cinematic Universe – making The Authority retroactively one of the influential comedian books of the past two many years. Shenandoah, a river of Virginia, formed by two head-streams rising in Augusta Co., which unite eighty five m.

Severn, the second river of England, rises on the E. side of Plinlimmon, in Montgomeryshire, and flows in a circuitous southerly course by way of Montgomeryshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire, and Gloucestershire, falling into the Bristol Channel after a course of 210 m.; is navigable to Welshpool (180 m.); chief tributaries are the Terne, Wye, and the Stratford Avon; there is a “bore” perceptible 180 m. Shannon, the primary river of Ireland, and largest in the British Islands, rises in the Cuilcagh Mountains, Co. Cavan; flows in a south-westerly course by way of Loughs Allen, Ree, and Derg, moreover forming several lough expansions, to Limerick, whence it turns due W., and opens out on the Atlantic in a wide estuary between Kerry (S.) and Clare (N.); has an entire course of 254 m., and is navigable to Lough Allen, a distance of 213 m. Seychelles (16), a gaggle of some 30 islands, largest Mahé (59 sq. m.), situated in the Indian Ocean, 600 m. Shah (Pers. “King”), an abbreviation of Shah-in-Shah (“King of Kings”), the title by which the monarchs of Persia are identified; could also be used in Afghanistan and other Asiatic international locations, but more generally the much less assuming title of Khan is taken.

Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckinghamshire, son of the Earl of Mulgrave, whose title he succeeded to in 1658; served in the navy in the course of the Dutch wars of Charles II.; held office below James II., and was by William III. Marquis of Normanby; a staunch Tory in Anne’s reign, he was rewarded with a dukedom, misplaced office by opposing Marlborough, but was reinstated after 1710, and in George I.’s reign worked in the Stuart curiosity; wrote an “Essay on Poetry,” &c. That is the Church has maintained the Priest hood for Men solely. Shamyl, a great Caucasian chief, head of the Lesghians, who mixed the features of priest and warrior; consolidated the Caucasian tribes in their resistance to the Russians, and carried on a successful battle in his mountain fastnesses for thirty years, till his forces had been worn out and himself made captive in 1859; d. Shamanism, the religion of the native savage races of North Siberia, being a belief in spirits, both good and evil, who could be persuaded to bless or curse by the incantations of a Priest referred to as a Shaman.


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